Repair and maintenance

Maintenance of paving stones

Paving stone repair

Your driveway landing has collapsed over the years. Water is accumulating and remaining stagnant on a section of your deck. Some paving stones have cracked near the floor of your house. These situations are a reflection of the Quebec climate. Freezing and thawing forces the movement of the deep part of the pavement, causing the tiles, the paving stones and the asphalt to move by default.

Do not worry. All these problems can be corrected by our professional team.

Paving stone repair

Why repair the paving stone?

At times, movement may have altered the leveling of the tiles making it less pleasant to walk on, especially in the summer when walking barefoot. Of course, the aesthetic aspect can justify the repair as well as the updating of the style of the layout.

With the expertise of our team, each repair is considered a new project. In most situations, the paving stone or slabs must be removed and the soil condition and compaction assessed. Then, the addition of rock, rock dust and polymer sands is essential before reinstalling the paver. This process is also used to repair low walls, steps, curbs and landings.

For expert work, Aménagement Régimbald is your reference.

Pavement cleaning

Surface maintenance

With the change of seasons also comes the accumulation of dirt. Wind, dust, rain, snow, leaves... The latter can remain on the surface while others embed themselves deep down leaving unwanted stains. Leaves, oil stains, pavement joints filled with weeds or moss, many situations require cleaning.

Our team travels all over the South Shore of Montreal to maintain your pavement and give it a new appearance.

We use very effective products that are gentle on the environment. We are also equipped with the best cleaning tools.