When you wish to acquire a pool or to enclose your land, it is essential to think about the installation of a fence. In addition to the security aspect, the addition of a fence also increases the privacy of your backyard. With the many options available on the market, choosing a fence can also be an integral part of your landscaping.
Glass fencing For a contemporary and sleek look
For a few years now, glass panels have been popular for pool fencing. Not only do they offer a panoramic look over the pool or yard, but they also provide a refined aesthetic touch. Manufactured to be impact and weather resistant, this type of panel offers a high level of security to limit access to your pool. As for maintenance, regular cleaning with soapy water is recommended to remove all traces of impurities.
The composite fence For a classic or modern style
Trendy, contemporary or classic look, composite panels are increasingly used as privacy panels or garden fences. One of its main advantages is certainly the ease of maintenance. Say goodbye to regular staining or painting. Available in a variety of colors and widths, you can create an attractive wall while maximizing the privacy of your yard.
Aluminum fencing For a classic and contemporary style
A classic is a classic. Black aluminum fences have been part of backyards for many years. Easy to maintain, quick to install and durable, this type of fence can enclose a large yard, create privacy and add a touch of elegance to your landscaping. Whether you choose flexible mesh panels or fixed ornamental style panels, you can create a safe and beautiful environment.
Wooden Fences
Probably the best known and oldest, wood fencing has always been part of our landscape. Easily customized in height and style, this type of fence is suitable for all types of landscaping. Although it requires more frequent maintenance than other types of fences, the integration of a wood fence brings a natural and warm touch.
Privacy panels
You've probably seen them on some restaurant patios or in outdoor public areas. Privacy panels have been gaining in popularity over the past few years. Sometimes sold in large stores, sometimes custom-made, they give the yard a unique and practical look. They are available in wood, aluminum or metal in a variety of designs. They can be used to create zones, hide less attractive elements or protect against strong winds.
Tips and Tricks
Fences are rarely used as a basis for landscaping. However, as long as it has to be integrated into the decor, why not take advantage of it to create visual zones, accent walls or even vertical gardens? The fence should be in harmony with the style of your home and the look of your landscaping. If you have the space, it could be interesting to combine textures, to integrate plants, to delimit the space with a structure like a shed or a gazebo in order to cut the linear aspect and to create a certain dynamism. Just like in landscaping, the choice of fences is almost unlimited. All you have to do is be creative and entrust the work to experts.